beyond sitting

In this exhibition spaces of perception outside of the habitual body schema can be explored.

The exhibition concept is located in the Brunswiker Pavilion (Kiel, Germany) and is dedicated to the various forms of sitting as an experience. With the idea of the mind in body, the relationship between the space and visitors is explored and their perception is promoted through interaction. The narrative of the exhibition are the visitors themselves, who experience their bodies in new positions. The centrepiece is a large geometric sculpture in the middle of the room.

The architecture is based on the principles of folding developed from planned and random moments. The structure can be experienced spatially, physically and transcendentally. The architecture can also be read as sculptures that extend across the room and function as art works themselves. The basic form is a rectangular triangle. Through a metamorphose different situations are developed. 

The sculptures extending across the room tell a story in three-dimensional space that deals directly with human movement and physical experience. The visitors enter a dialogue with the spatial sculptures and give the room a new dimension by means of there movement.